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Tuesday, December 27, 2011


The following excerpt is from the SEC website:

“Washington, D.C., Dec. 23, 2011 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged a former securities trader at a San Diego-based brokerage firm with orchestrating an illegal trading scheme.

The SEC alleges that Aurelio Rodriguez acted in concert with a Mexican investment adviser, InvesTrust, and unnecessarily inserted a separate broker-dealer as a middleman into securities transactions in order to generate millions of dollars in additional fees. Rodriguez, who resided in Coronado, Calif., at the time and currently lives in Mexico, agreed to pay $1 million to settle the SEC’s charges. The SEC also charged his former firm Investment Placement Group (IPG) and its CEO with failing to properly supervise Rodriguez. IPG agreed to pay more than $4 million to settle the charges.

In an interpositioning scheme, an extra broker-dealer is illegally added as a principal on trades even though no real services are being provided. The SEC alleges that Rodriguez colluded with InvesTrust and needlessly inserted a broker-dealer based in Mexico into securities transactions between IPG and InvesTrust’s pension fund clients, causing the pension funds to pay approximately $65 million more than they would have without the middleman.

“Rodriguez repeatedly abused his position as a securities industry professional to commit this cross-border fraudulent scheme to the detriment of the pension funds,” said Rosalind R. Tyson, Director of the SEC’s Los Angeles Regional Office. “The scheme’s participants reaped millions of dollars from these illicit activities.”

According to the SEC’s order instituting administrative proceedings against Rodriguez, the scheme occurred from January to November 2008. Rodriguez in coordination with InvesTrust acquired 10 different credit-linked notes in an IPG proprietary account. Rodriguez knew that the notes were slated for InvesTrust’s pension fund clients.
The SEC alleges that IPG, through Rodriguez, added a markup of roughly 1.5 to 4.5 percent to the purchase price and then sold the notes to the middleman Mexican brokerage firm. IPG, through Rodriguez, repurchased the notes from the Mexican brokerage firm within a day or so at a slightly higher price. IPG added another markup and then sold the securities to InvesTrust’s pension fund clients.

According to the SEC’s order, in some instances Rodriguez repeated the buy-sell pattern with the middleman Mexican brokerage firm multiple times, driving up the price with each successive trade before finally selling the notes to the pension funds at artificially inflated prices. Rodriguez received millions of dollars in additional markups generated from the interpositioned transactions.

The SEC’s order finds that Rodriguez violated Section 17(a) of the Securities Act, Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act, and Rule 10b-5. Without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings, Rodriguez consented to the order and agreed to pay $1 million in ill-gotten gains and to be barred from the securities industry as well as from participating in any penny stock offering, for five years. The order also requires him to cease and desist from committing or causing any violations of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act, Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act, and Rule 10b-5.
The SEC instituted separate but related administrative proceedings against IPG and its CEO Adolfo Gonzalez-Rubio, who was Rodriguez’s direct supervisor. IPG and Gonzalez-Rubio each agreed to settle their cases without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings. IPG agreed to be censured, pay approximately $3.8 million in disgorgement and prejudgment interest, pay a $260,000 penalty, and comply with certain undertakings. Gonzalez-Rubio agreed to a three-month suspension as a supervisor with any broker, dealer, investment adviser, or certain other registered entities.”

Monday, December 26, 2011


The following excerpt is from the SEC website:

December 22, 2011
“On December 21, 2011, the Honorable Reed O’Connor, United States District Judge for the Northern District of Texas, entered an order permanently enjoining Robert Wilson and his company, Strategic Capital.

Without admitting or denying the allegations in the Commission’s complaint, Wilson and Strategic Capital consented to the entry of a judgment that permanently enjoins them from violating Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The judgment also provides that upon motion of the Commission, the Court may order disgorgement of ill-gotten gains and prejudgment interest thereon against Wilson, Strategic Capital, and another Wilson company, Green Horseshoe Holdings, Inc. In addition, pursuant to the judgment, the Court may order civil penalties in amounts the Court deems appropriate against Wilson and Strategic Capital, as well as a penny stock bar against Wilson.

The Commission’s complaint, originally filed on April 28, 2011, alleged that China Voice Holding Corp., its former CFO and co-founder David Ronald Allen, and former CEO and President William F. Burbank IV made a series of false and misleading statements and omissions regarding China Voice’s financial condition and business prospects. In addition, the SEC charged China Voice shareholders Ilya Drapkin and Gerald Patera with financing stock promotion campaigns regarding China Voice. These campaigns included a blast fax campaign conducted by Robert Wilson and Strategic Capital, which the SEC alleged contained false and misleading statements and failed to accurately disclose the amount and source of the compensation Wilson, Strategic Capital, and Green Horseshoe Holdings, Inc. received.

The Commission previously entered into settlements with the other defendants in this matter: Allen, Burbank, China Voice, Drapkin, Patera, Alex Dowlatshahi, Christopher Mills, and various of their companies.”


The following excerpt is from the SEC website:

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Washington, D.C.
December 14, 2011
“Thank you, David (Hirschmann), for your very kind introduction.
I am honored to be here today with Congresswoman Emerson and Congressman Garrett. And it is a unique pleasure to share airtime with my dear friend and former boss, Commissioner Paul Atkins, my friend Brian Cartwright, who was formerly the General Counsel of the SEC, and my friend, former Commissioner Roel Campos. Roel, I am taking care of your old office – Paul’s furniture looks great in it!
Before I begin my substantive remarks, I have to provide the boilerplate disclaimer that my comments today are my own, and do not necessarily represent the positions of the Commission or my fellow Commissioners.
I also want to take a moment at the outset to explain why I believe initiatives like this – that Jack Katz and the Chamber have undertaken – are so important. I have known Jack for a long time, and I know that he, like myself, has a deep and long-held respect and affinity for the SEC and its staff. And both of us have been deeply saddened to watch the torrent of criticism befall the agency over the last few years. Like Jack, though, I believe that this criticism provides the Commission with a unique opportunity to re-think and critically analyze the way we fulfill our mission.
Those who hold the agency dear are right to rush to its defense – in particular the defense of a loyal and hard-working staff that has been subjected to frequent, unfair criticism. But we should not reflexively protect past practices or shun appropriate criticism. Smart regulation, smart enforcement, and smart management require that we constantly evaluate and evolve as regulators. And so we are here today, in all of our various capacities, to help ensure that the Commission meets this obligation of serious introspection, and for that I am very appreciative. I can tell you that I did not come back to the agency to protect the status quo at the expense of meaningful change that investors, taxpayers, and the SEC staff should expect and demand.
The topic of this event – fundamental reform of the SEC -- could not be more timely. Although this is only my sixth week as a Commissioner, I previously spent four years at the Commission as a member of the staff, and because of that I believe I have a healthy perspective on the potential reforms being discussed today and the effectiveness, or ineffectiveness, of the myriad changes that have taken place over the last few years.
An examination of the SEC should be through the prism of the Financial Crisis and the Dodd-Frank Act,1 which together have had a greater impact on how the Commission undertakes its mission than any set of events at least since Enron, WorldCom and Sarbanes-Oxley at the onset of the millennium, and probably since the Great Depression and the initial formation of the Commission in 1934.
The Dodd-Frank Act presented an opportunity to make changes that could have served the U.S. capital markets very well. Indeed, the 2,319 pages of legislation were meant to address the problems associated with the Financial Crisis. It was both expected and necessary that Congress respond to those events. Although the full impact of the legislation will not be known for years as regulators toil on the implementation of the Act, it is becoming clear that the SEC will need to focus on a number of issues within the Commission’s core competencies that were not addressed in the legislation.
I believe that the Commission’s model of regulation could have served as the basis for many of the reforms in the Dodd-Frank Act. The virtues of the SEC model are many. First and foremost, its structure – a bipartisan Commission of five commissioners, no more than three of whom may represent one political party – ensures that the Commission considers a diversity of views, provides some level of insulation from political pressures, and allows the Commission to benefit from the varying experiences of the Commissioners and their staffs. In addition, the Commission is accountable to Congress: not only do Congressional oversight committees review carefully the actions of the Commission, but the Commission is also dependent on Congress for its funding and answerable to Congress for its spending. This accountability translates into greater accountability to the American electorate. And of course, the Commission is required to engage in an open and transparent process in exercising its regulatory function.
Another key aspect of the Commission’s regulatory mission is the core mandate to require clear and timely disclosure by the market participants it oversees. When these disclosure obligations are not met, there is the very real threat of swift and stern enforcement. Thus, issuers can offer securities to investors so long as proper and timely disclosure is made, and investors may take whatever risks they choose. There is no guarantee of investment performance and there is no government-backed principal protection. In the absence of fraud or other abuse, investors’ decisions to take risks enable them to reap the rewards – but they can also lose.
In the context of regulated entities, broker-dealers in particular, the SEC regulatory and oversight construct focuses on the protection of investor assets, and the winding down of firms that take unnecessary risks or simply fail to achieve success. Once again, there are no bailouts or expectations of a taxpayer backstop in this model – the SEC has no balance sheet. Entities can live or die. When they die, our rules should ensure that investor assets are safe and that there is sufficient capital in place to wind them down.
Without a doubt, the most notable feature of the Financial Crisis was the taxpayer-funded rescue of certain firms. And so the most pressing policy concern following the crisis has been how to address the problem of “too big to fail.” Unfortunately, nearly a year and a half after the enactment of Dodd-Frank, some commentators believe that we have not addressed that problem. As you know, the Financial Stability Oversight Council, or FSOC, has been tasked with crafting criteria for the designation of firms as “systemically important financial institutions,” or SIFIs, and to designate SIFIs under those criteria. The FSOC recently proposed a new three-step designation process that begins with a firm’s size and certain other quantitative criteria, then moves on to consider other quantitative and qualitative data. Ultimately the FSOC, after providing firms an opportunity to dispute the contemplated SIFI designation, may vote to designate a firm as SIFI. SIFIs will be subject to stringent regulation by the Fed, including increased capital requirements, supervision and other requirements.
Although I expect that SIFI regulation will be very burdensome, FSOC’s designation of SIFIs may have unintended, positive consequences for SIFIs. Notwithstanding the prohibition in Dodd-Frank against taxpayer funded bail-outs, there is a danger that credit providers may be pricing in a presumption that the government would once again rescue SIFIs in a financial crisis. Similarly, SIFIs may have other competitive advantages that spring from their special status as federally protected firms. For example, as we have seen several times in the last three years, counterparties can swiftly leave non-taxpayer-backstopped firms, such as stand-alone broker-dealers, for SIFI firms when there is instability in the markets. And this has happened even in fully-collateralized transactions involving highly liquid assets. It is simply impossible to compete with the promise of government protection. It would be premature to judge, at this point, the extent to which these potential competitive advantages may offset or exceed the burdens of more stringent regulation, but these are serious concerns.
In my view, the framework for regulating SIFIs should allow for these firms to fail. In 2009,2 FDIC Vice Chairman Nominee Thomas Hoenig, then the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, convincingly argued that permitting large institutions to fail, allowing for losses to be identified and taken, replacing management, and re-privatizing these institutions has resulted historically in a quicker economic recovery and lower costs to taxpayers than attempting to save these institutions and taking an incremental and delayed approach to addressing problems.
Although the SEC no longer acts as a holding company supervisor, its regulatory paradigm should provide guidance for regulators in this space. MF Global provides an informative case study. With assets listed in its bankruptcy filing of approximately $41 billion, MF Global fell below the $50 billion threshold at which firms will be considered for SIFI status and consolidated Fed regulation. While there are still significant questions as to whether MF Global complied with its obligations under existing regulations to segregate client assets, it is clearly a positive outcome that the firm’s failure was permitted to proceed without governmental intervention and the financial system did not melt down.
A very high profile event in the crisis separate from the bailout of Bear Stearns and AIG, but intimately tied up with the problem of too-big-to-fail, was the breaking of the buck by the Reserve Primary Fund, representing only the second time in history that investors have lost money in a money market mutual fund.
Despite the fact that the Dodd-Frank Act did not address money market funds, these funds have emerged as an issue in the past month or so. Indeed, in an early November speech, the Chairman explicitly stated her intent to “issue a proposal in very short order.”3 Since then, I have spent a considerable amount of time during my first 26 business days as a Commissioner focused on this important issue. And, based on what I have learned to date, I have questions about many of the currently discussed reform options.
Before I comment on some of the specific proposals currently on the table, I want to step back for a moment and express my more general concerns with the push towards rulemaking in this area. In particular, I want to make sure that we keep in mind two important and related questions as we proceed. First, for what specific problems or risks are we trying to solve? And second, do we have the necessary data that will allow us to regulate in a meaningful and effective way?
Let me address the first question. As I said earlier, I do not believe that it should be – nor can it be – the goal of the Commission to ensure that securities products are risk-free. Of course we must strive to prevent fraudulent and manipulative practices. But when the risks of an entirely legal investment are adequately disclosed, it is not the Commission’s job to forestall the possibility of loss. To put a finer point on it, in light of the extensive disclosures regarding the possibility of loss, money market funds should not be treated by investors or by regulators as providing the surety of federally insured demand deposits.
So what is prompting this urgency to reform money market funds? What are the particular risks that money market funds, as currently constituted, pose to investors and to the capital markets? What problem are we solving here?
I’ll admit that I just posed a bit of a trick question. We cannot know what risks money market funds pose unless – and this brings me to my second point – we have a clearer understanding of the effects of the Commission’s 2010 money market reforms.4 For some reason, much of the discussion surrounding the current need for money market reform sweeps aside the fact that the Commission has already responded to the 2008 crisis by making significant changes to Rule 2a-7. Notably, those amendments only became effective in May 2010. Without an adequate understanding of the current state of play, we are handicapped in our effort to define existing risks and measure their magnitude. Nor can we simply hand-wave and speak vaguely of addressing “systemic risk” or some other kind of protean problem. The risks and issues justifying a rulemaking must be specifically and thoughtfully defined in relation to the Commission’s mission. As a reminder, the Commission’s mandate is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. We are not expected to regulate with other goals in mind.
Given my belief that any rulemaking in this space could be premature, and possibly unnecessary, I thought I’d spend just a few minutes on the current proposals being bandied about. Although I am keeping an open mind about all options in this space, and am fully aware that the devil is in the details of many of these proposals, I do have some initial reactions.
First, I am hesitant about any form of so-called “capital” requirement, whether it takes the form of a “buffer” or of an actual capital requirement similar to those imposed on banks. Although I am not opposed to a bank-like capital requirement in principle, it is my understanding that the level of capital that would be required to legitimately backstop the funds would effectively end the industry. And I have doubts that a smaller capital buffer that accrues over time would be sufficient to protect investors and funds in an actual crisis. I am concerned that it could simply create the illusion of protection, and further obscure the well-disclosed risk of investing in money market funds.
I will note, however, that at least one industry participant has suggested the possibility of a stand-alone redemption fee. Although the details of the imposition of such a fee would need to be carefully considered, this suggestion avoids my worries about capital requirements. This minimal approach does not set up false expectations of capital protection, externalizes the costs of redemptions, and could be part of an orderly process to wind down funds when necessary. And, a meaningful redemption fee may cause a healthy process of self-selection among investors that could cull out those more likely to “run” in a time of stress. But despite my initial positive reaction to the notion of a redemption fee standing alone, grafting the fee onto a capital buffer regime will not assuage my concerns with such a capital requirement. Indeed, a combined approach retains all the problems of any capital solution, unless something significant is done to manage investor expectations regarding the level of protection provided.
Second, I acknowledge that a move to a floating NAV would work a profound change to the money market fund industry as we recognize it today. This proposal has its ardent supporters and its impassioned critics. I believe that it is an important option to keep on the table and to subject to further study and consideration. For example, it would be important to understand the effect of such a change on the commercial paper market and bank deposits.
Finally, I should make explicit what I hope you have already gleaned from my statements thus far. If the Commission moves forward with a proposal, the option of doing nothing until we have seriously analyzed the impact of last year’s reforms must be given serious consideration. By pre-judging the outcome of this rulemaking – that something, anything must be done as soon as possible, never mind the consequences – the Commission runs the danger of skewing its analysis of any proposed regulatory changes. Any analysis we undertake will necessarily be flawed if we lack a rigorous sense of the current baseline against which to measure the effects of any proposed changes. Moreover, we have a legal obligation to thoroughly consider all reasonable alternatives, and that includes the alternative of doing nothing beyond those significant changes the Commission has undertaken just last year.
Another area within the SEC’s regulatory sphere which could have benefitted from additional legislative authority – and which is near and dear to me – is the supervision of broker-dealers. In particular, the Commission could have benefitted from enhanced authority with respect to non-bank broker-dealer holding companies. These institutions would, presumably, generally not be deemed systemically important under the FSOC’s SIFI criteria, yet they are a core part of the SEC’s regulatory program. Unfortunately, rather than increasing the Commission’s oversight authority in this space, the Commission’s only statutory authority for such a program was eliminated from the Exchange Act, 5 and a new Federal Reserve Board program was established. 6 As various bills are floated in Congress, this is an area where I hope the Commission will be provided greater tools to carry out its core mission.
As I stated at the beginning of my remarks, it is important for the Commission to be open to constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement, which events like this are intended to foster. The Commission should consider specific proposals like those included in Jack Katz’s report7that was released in connection with this event, as well as others presented here today, and should work with Congress on appropriate legislation to enhance the Commission’s operations.
In this vein, notable legislative initiatives include the SEC Regulatory Accountability Act,8 which was voted out of the House Financial Services Committee in November, and the Regulatory Accountability Act,9 which was approved by the House earlier this month, each of which would impose enhanced cost-benefit analysis requirements on the Commission when adopting rules. Significantly, the SEC Regulatory Accountability Act, which was proposed by Congressman Garrett, would among other things require the Commission to conduct periodic retrospective evaluations of the effectiveness and impact of its regulations.
While I am still studying the detailed recommendations contained in Jack’s latest report, a couple of his proposals strike me as being particularly incisive:
his call for a second special study, in the model of that undertaken by the Commission under Chairman Cary, of American regulatory policy, including the future of the U.S. and global secondary market structure, the interaction of the equity, debt and derivatives markets nationally and internationally, and the development of a corporate disclosure system that reflects the needs of investors and the information technology of the present and future; and
his recommendations to integrate cost-benefit analysis at the earliest stages of the rule development process so that this analysis can guide the regulatory process, and to adopt a regulatory look-back requirement for major rules.
Thank you all very much for your attention today. We would not be here if the SEC were not an incredibly important institution. The fact that so many different people have expended so much effort in an attempt to reinvigorate the agency is a testament to that fact. As we consider proposals to improve the agency, we should focus on the Commission’s strengths and successes – the functions that the SEC does well and that investors and participants expect us to do well and the strengths of our regulatory design. And we should learn from, but not dwell on, its failures. With this focus in mind, and with the help of people like Jack Katz, I know we can achieve our common goal of restoring the standing, reputation, and effectiveness of the Commission.
1 Pub. L. No. 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (July 21, 2010).
2 Thomas M. Hoenig, Too Big Has Failed (March 6, 2009). Available at
3 Chairman Mary L. Schapiro, Remarks at SIFMA’s 2001 Annual Meeting, (Nov. 7, 2011). Available at
4 Money Market Fund Reform, Investment Company Act Release No. 29132 (Feb. 23, 2010) [75 FR 10060 (Mar. 4, 2010)].
5 See Pub. L. No. 111-203, §617, Elimination of Elective Investment Bank Holding Company Framework (eliminating Section 17(i) of the Exchange Act).
6 See Pub. L. No. 111-203, §618, Securities Holding Companies, which generally defines “securities holding company” to include “a person (other than a natural person) that owns or controls 1 or more brokers or dealers registered with the Commission” excluding certain institutions that are otherwise already regulated, and which provides:
* * *
(1) IN GENERAL.—A securities holding company that is required by a foreign regulator or provision of foreign law to be subject to comprehensive consolidated supervision may register with the Board of Governors under paragraph (2) to become a supervised securities holding company. Any securities holding company filing such a registration shall be supervised in accordance with this section, and shall comply with the rules and orders prescribed by the Board of Governors
applicable to supervised securities holding companies.
(A) REGISTRATION.—A securities holding company that elects to be subject to comprehensive consolidated supervision shall register by filing with the Board of Governors such information and documents as the Board of Governors, by regulation, may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of this section.
* * *
7 Jonathan G. Katz and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: A Roadmap for Transformational Reform (Dec. 2011) ; see also Jonathan G. Katz and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness, Examining the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Feb. 2009).
8 H.R. 2308.
9 H.R. 3010.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


The following excerpt is from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website: “Washington, D.C., Dec. 9, 2011 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today released the following joint statement with other regulators: Leaders and senior representatives of the authorities responsible for regulation of the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets in Canada, the European Union, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and the United States met yesterday in Paris. The meeting included Steven Maijoor, Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA); Jonathan Faull, Director General for Internal Market and Services at the European Commission; Ashley Alder, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission; Masamichi Kono, Vice-Commissioner of the Japan Financial Services Agency; Teo Swee Lian, Deputy Managing Director (Financial Supervision) of the Monetary Authority of Singapore; Mary Condon, Vice-Chair of the Ontario Securities Commission; Louis Morisset, Superintendent of Securities Markets at l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers du Québec; Gary Gensler, Chairman of the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission; and Mary Schapiro, Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Since mid-2011, the authorities have engaged in a series of bilateral technical dialogues on OTC derivatives regulation. The meeting, held at ESMA headquarters in Paris, is the first time the authorities have met as a group to discuss their implementation efforts. In the meeting, the authorities addressed the cross-border issues related to the implementation of new legislation and rules to govern the OTC derivatives markets in their respective jurisdictions. At the conclusion of the meeting, the authorities agreed to continue bilateral regulatory dialogues and to meet as a group again in early 2012.”


The following excerpt is from the SEC website:

Remarks Before the ICI 2011 Securities Law Developments Conference
Eileen Rominger
Director, Division of Investment Management
December 13, 2011
Omni Shoreham Hotel
2500 Calvert Street, NW
Washington, DC
Thank you, Karrie, for that kind introduction. And good morning to everyone here today. I am very happy to be speaking at this Securities Law Developments conference, before an impressive audience of mutual fund lawyers and other professionals.
I am glad that I am speaking to you today, and not several years ago when this conference used to be called the “Procedures” conference. I was an executive in New York for many years. On Wall Street, if someone invited you to a meeting where a large number of lawyers would discuss “Procedures” … well it probably was not a good thing.
And I should interject my own procedure here, by telling you that my remarks this morning are my own, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commission, individual Commissioners, or the staff of the Commission.1
When I first thought about coming to the Commission, I was in the process of retiring from a Wall Street asset management firm. At that time, I was asked many questions:
Why come to the Commission?
Why leave a nice life in the Northeast and move to Washington?
Why take on the burdens of another high-stress job?
And those were just the questions from my husband.
In the end, of course, I decided to come to Washington. My greatest hope is that my decades of experience – as a securities analyst, a portfolio manager, and a manager of portfolio managers – can be useful for the important work of the Commission.
After spending decades on Wall Street, I am glad to have made the transition from industry to government regulator. And as recent events have highlighted, I believe it is important for the government to employ – literally to employ – a real-world understanding of business practices, and an appreciation of the problems that businesses try to solve every day.
I do not see my job at the Commission as an opportunity to take off the black hat and put on a white hat. The business of finance is just that, a business. At its best, this business performs an essential function in our society. It provides investment opportunities for investors. It serves a role in allocating capital to the businesses that comprise the U.S. economy.
And whether our perspective is conducting business or regulating business, it is important to remember that it all comes down to this – the assets that the professionals manage are “other people’s money.”
The investment of client assets in mutual funds is not an exciting game, nor is it a mathematical exercise. It is the assumption of responsibility for the savings of real people. It can represent:
The ability to pay for health care – or not,

The ability to fund a child’s education – or not, and

The ability to retire when needed – or not.
Just as you are highly aware of this, so are we as we do our work at the SEC.
< This Past Year >
During my time at the Commission this year I have enjoyed the fast pace and the very interesting work. The achievements of the Division and the Commission have been remarkable, and I am honored to have been able to contribute during this historic time.
More than 90 provisions in the Dodd-Frank Act require SEC rulemaking. The Commission already has proposed or adopted rules for over three-quarters of them.

Of these rulemakings, the Division of Investment Management has participated in 13, and almost half of those the Commission has already adopted.

The Commission and staff have finished 12 of the more than 20 studies and reports that the Dodd-Frank Act requires.

The Division has participated in 4 of these studies, and 3 of them are completed.
The Division also is working on many other projects and initiatives that are not related to the Dodd-Frank Act. I look forward to helping the Commission face the issues raised by these matters, and the many others that lie ahead. One of the underlying issues, of course, is how to improve what we do.
< Improvements in Gathering and Using Data >
As we enter 2012, I am particularly interested in improving the way that we on the Commission staff incorporate empirical data into the regulatory process. We have an opportunity to utilize empirical data more extensively across the range of our activities. I think this would enhance the quality of the work we do for the Commission.
For example:
Our rulemaking recommendations would continue to benefit from ongoing feedback and understanding of the key elements of the cost structures of investment advisers.

Our consideration of exemptive applications would likely benefit from continuing improvements in our analysis of the performance of certain products already in the market.

And our approach to disclosure would likely benefit from continuing our ongoing study of how investors actually use the materials provided, and how they make their investment decisions.
An area in which we have made great progress in utilizing data is in the collection and analysis of money market fund data — more on that in a moment.
When I worked as a securities analyst and portfolio manager, we spent most of our time analyzing financial data and other information to arrive at our decisions. For the most part, the data was readily available on EDGAR, the SEC database.
As regulators, we face far greater challenges in data analysis. Some relevant data can be difficult or very costly to obtain. Once we have obtained the data, we need to further develop our ability to effectively analyze the information so that we can derive useful insight from it. Then, we need to apply that insight in a world in which regulations must apply to all, even though business models and their related cost structures definitely are not homogenous. Further, the industry is in a constant state of change due to product innovation, global capital market trends, and an ever-shifting competitive landscape. And so drawing conclusions from any dataset requires judgment as much as quantitative expertise.
The SEC staff is actively engaged in efforts to enhance the gathering and utilization of data:
These efforts are evident in the increasing use of analytics by the Compliance Inspections and Examinations Office to prioritize its activities based on quantitative risk assessments.

They are evident in Enforcement’s use of the analysis of outlier investment performance to identify potential problem areas.

And they are evident in the investor testing activities in which Investment Management and the Office of Investor Education and Advocacy are engaged.

These efforts are also evident in the Commission’s recent request for comments on the development of a plan for retrospective review of existing significant regulations. An important part of that request relates to the existence of relevant data that the Commission should consider in selecting and prioritizing rules for review and in reviewing the rules themselves. The request for comments also asks how the Commission should assess such data in these processes.
Moving to a more information-driven process will only succeed if we can work together on this. We rely on the information you provide in comment letters. Thank you very much for the work that you and your staff devote to those letters — I know they are time-consuming. To the extent that you can illustrate and support your comments with data and specific information, anecdotal or other, it will be even more helpful in advancing our goal.
I also appreciate your efforts to offer constructive solutions to the issues raised by the Commission.
I assure you that we give a great deal of focus and attention to the substantive responses we receive.
The agency is also continuing to invest in Information Technology resources across most divisions. We are in the planning stages for significant improvements in the technology infrastructure for the Investment Management Division. We already benefit from the collection of data about investment advisers through the IARD system. We also look forward to receiving and compiling data about private funds through IARD in the future. And in the coming year, the Division will invest in staff who have relevant experience in data and financial analytics.
< Money Market Funds >
The SEC’s oversight of money market funds is a good example of our continued focus on improving information collection and utilization. As a result of the first phase of money market reform approved by the Commission in February 2010, we have been receiving detailed holdings data for each of the past 12 months. This data is submitted via form N-MFP and is extensively analyzed and considered by the SEC staff.
In the last year, the Commission has received filings from over 650 money market funds each month, or about 8000 filings altogether. Each month, these funds report about 70,000 different positions in all their portfolios. We are using the data to monitor characteristics and trends of holdings, and to identify areas that raise questions. This data will also help us better assist other regulators with systemic risk monitoring responsibilities, such as Treasury and the Federal Reserve.
Lastly, this data is increasingly used as a point of reference during examinations. As our IM staff participates in exams of money market funds, we will occasionally ask questions about holdings and trends. This is helpful in gaining a general sense of the portfolio decision-making process. If you are part of one of these discussions, I encourage you to avoid reading too much into these high level questions, as it is not our intention to convey a specific point of view on these individual securities.
< Target Date Funds >
The Commission staff is gathering information not only about financial institutions and professionals. We are also looking at the types of information that investors believe are most useful when they choose their investments. For example, the Commission staff is currently conducting investor testing as part of its rulemaking efforts on target date retirement funds.
Target date fund assets as of October are about $360 billion. The new cash flow that target date funds netted last year was over 10 times what it was 10 years ago. One recent survey showed that 70% of U.S. employers who responded use target date funds as the default investment in their defined contribution plans. The increasing significance of target date funds in 401(k) retirement plans – together with the market losses suffered in 2008 – gave rise to concerns about those funds.
Last year, the Commission proposed rule changes to address concerns regarding target date fund names and information presented in target date fund marketing materials. To date, target date fund disclosures have been tested on about 1,000 investors. After we analyze the testing data and consider public comments on the proposed rule, the Division will evaluate whether to recommend that the Commission adopt rule changes to address target date funds.
Before I close, let me briefly mention a few other recent initiatives.
Recently, the Commission issued a concept release on the use of derivatives by funds. Although the use of derivatives by funds is not new, it has increased exponentially in recent years. Also, funds are now using complex derivatives that did not exist when the Commission provided guidance to funds many years ago.
I am especially interested in information regarding how funds use derivatives consistent with the leverage limitations in the Investment Company Act. Thank you for your responses, and we look forward to continuing the dialogue in this important area.
We need to ensure that our regulatory protections keep up with the increasing complexity of these instruments and the ways that funds use them. This is the right time to step back and to consider whether any changes in Commission rules or guidance may be needed.
Other Regulatory Notices
The Commission also has issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking regarding a rule that provides certain issuers of asset-backed securities with conditional exclusions from the definition of investment companies under the 1940 Act. And it has issued a concept release on real estate investment trusts that invest in mortgages.
We expect to gather data and consider all the comments, in determining whether to recommend that the Commission take further action.

During this next year, I look forward to working with you on the matters I have described this morning, and on the other projects that the Division has undertaken to accomplish.
I also look forward to reviewing the information that you provide to the Commission through comment letters and other input. The information you provide can help us improve our work on the matters that lie at the heart of the Commission’s mission – investor protection and capital formation. It is important to remember that, at the end of the day, the Commission serves these important purposes, but it also serves people. It serves investors, and it serves the American economy. Every day, the headlines in the newspapers remind me of the importance of our work.
In that regard, I hope you are looking forward to this year as much as I am.
Thank you.

1 The Securities and Exchange Commission, as a matter of policy, disclaims responsibility for any private publication or statement by any of its employees. The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission or of the author’s colleagues upon the staff of the Commission."

Thursday, December 22, 2011


The following excerpt is from the SEC website:

“Washington, D.C., December 21, 2011 — The Securities and Exchange Commission has amended its rules to exclude the value of a person’s home from net worth calculations used to determine whether an individual may invest in certain unregistered securities offerings. The changes were made to conform the SEC’s definition of an “accredited investor” to the requirements of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

Under the amended rule, the value of an individual’s primary residence will not count as an asset when calculating net worth to determine “accredited investor” status. The amendments also clarify the treatment of borrowing secured by a primary residence for purposes of the net worth calculation. Under certain circumstances, they also permit individuals who qualified as accredited investors under the pre-Dodd-Frank Act definition of net worth to use that prior net worth standard for certain follow-on investments.
SEC rules permit certain private and limited offerings to be made without registration, and without requiring specified disclosures, if sales are made only to “accredited investors.” One way individuals may qualify as “accredited investors” is by having a net worth, alone or together with their spouse, of at least $1 million. The Dodd-Frank Act requires that the value of a person’s primary residence be excluded from the net worth calculation used to determine the person’s “accredited investor” status.
Under the amended net worth calculation, indebtedness secured by the person’s primary residence, up to the estimated fair market value of the primary residence, is not treated as a liability, unless the borrowing occurs in the 60 days preceding the purchase of securities in the exempt offering and is not in connection with the acquisition of the primary residence. In such cases, the debt secured by the primary residence must be treated as a liability in the net worth calculation. This is intended to prevent manipulation of the net worth standard, by eliminating the ability of individuals to artificially inflate net worth under the new definition by borrowing against home equity shortly before participating in an exempt securities offering. In addition, any indebtedness secured by a person’s primary residence in excess of the property’s estimated fair market value is treated as a liability under the new definition.
The amended net worth standard will take effect 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Beginning in 2014, and every four years thereafter, the Dodd-Frank Act requires the Commission to review the “accredited investor” definition in its entirety and to engage in further rulemaking to the extent it deems appropriate.
SEC has now proposed or adopted more than three-quarters of the rules that the Dodd-Frank Act required the agency to write.”