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Showing posts with label COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION. Show all posts

Sunday, July 1, 2012


“Not the Boss”
Statement of Commissioner Bart Chilton on Cross Border
June 29, 2012
I support the proposed cross interpretive guidance and policy statement and exemptive order. These are global interconnected markets and we need to work with our colleagues around the planet to ensure that we have, to the greatest extent practical, harmonized rules, regulations, surveillance and enforcement. The recent Barclays matter, the JPMorgan loss and many other illustrations make the case for this far better than anything else. As they say in the detective programs: These are real cases with real victims.
I’ve often heard teenagers protest, “You're not the boss of me." Well, we in the U.S. aren’t seeking to be the boss of anyone. Nation’s around the world have their own laws, rules and regulations and they have individual sovereign and idiosyncratic issues that not only should be considered, but are at the very fundamental core of nations’ rights to incorporate into whatever they do. No argument on that. At the same time, we all need to accept that these global financial markets operate all the time and cross borders as a matter of course. Risk is very portable; it can be shifted around like a shell game. Trading for a firm headquartered in one nation can take place in another. Like nations’ sovereignty is a fact, so is it a fact that these markets cross borders and are interconnected. These are facts—evident truths.

So, while we do not seek to be the boss of anyone, we do seek to ensure that our consumers, taxpayers, markets and our economy are protected. I assume other nations not only have this parochial interest as well, but that they will ensure analogous laws that address the matter. If nations do this, as a matter of self-interest and global interest, there should not be any bossing around of anyone—easy peasy.

If for some reason, there are not comparable laws of self-interest in nations, and there is the possibility that the lack thereof would be a potential matter of concern to the U.S., our law requires that we address it in an appropriate fashion, and we will do so.
Here are the key points on what the proposal and exemptive order suggest, and I look forward to comments upon both of these important matters. The proposed interpretive guidance and policy statement proposes to (1) define U.S. persons, (2) provide that foreign SDs and MSPs (swaps dealers and major swaps participants, respectively) and foreign affiliates of U.S. SDs and MSPs may be exempted from entity-level requirements under Dodd-Frank if they are subject to comparable and comprehensive foreign regulations, (3) provide that foreign SDs and MSPs and foreign affiliates of U.S. SDs and MSPs are not exempt generally from transaction-level requirements for swaps facing U.S. persons and foreign persons guaranteed by a U.S. person, and (4) provide that foreign SDs and MSPs and foreign affiliates of U.S. SDs and MSPs are generally exempt from transaction-level requirements for swaps facing non-U.S. persons.

Entity-level requirements include: capital; chief compliance officer; risk management; swap data recordkeeping and reporting; and large trader reporting. Transaction-level requirements include: clearing and swap processing; margin and segregation for uncleared swap transactions; mandatory trade execution requirement; swap trading relationship documentation; portfolio reconciliation and compression; real-time public reporting; trade confirmation; and daily trading records.

The proposed exemptive order regarding compliance with certain swap regulations exempts foreign persons (foreign affiliates of U.S. SDs and MSPs and foreign SDs and MSPs) and foreign branches of U.S. SDs and MSPs from transaction-level requirements for swaps with foreign counterparties for 12 months. Swaps with U.S. persons will still be subject to Dodd-Frank transaction-level requirements also for 12 months. External business conduct standards, however, only apply when both counterparties are U.S. persons. The proposed order also exempts U.S. SDs and MSPs from entity-level requirements, except for swap data reporting, recordkeeping, and large trader reporting requirements until January 1, 2013.

In particular, I am interested in receiving comments about how to prevent gaming through the use of conduits or other globe-trotting structures and under what circumstances foreign entities should be seen as being subject to “comparable and comprehensive” regulations. On the latter point, I think we should take an approach that encourages our sister regulators abroad to make the strong reforms necessary to ensure fair and safe global markets.

What we are proposing allows for nations to undertake their own protections that can fit into the overall global regulation, supervision and enforcement of markets. This is not about anyone trying to boss anyone around. This is about a balanced and thoughtful approach—a planetary patchwork of harmonized financial and markets rules of the road. That said, I look forward to comments to ensure that we get this correct.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Federal Court in Texas Orders Linda Harris, Chance Harris, CDH Forex Investments, LLC, and CDH Global Holdings, LLC, to Pay over $5.4 Million in Restitution and a Monetary Sanction for Forex Fraud

Washington, DC — The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today announced that it obtained a federal court order imposing more than $5.4 million in restitution and a civil monetary penalty on defendantsLinda Harris, Chance Harris and their companies, CDH Forex Investments, LLC (CDH Forex) and CDH Global Holdings, LLC (CDH Global), all of Flower Mound, Texas, for fraud in connection with the operation of a commodity pool and managed accounts trading off-exchange foreign currency (forex) contracts.

The default judgment order requires Linda Harris, Chance Harris, CDH Forex, and CDH Global jointly and severally to first pay $1,361,897 to defrauded customers as restitution for their losses and then pay $4,085,691 as a civil monetary penalty. The order also permanently prohibits them from engaging in any commodity- and forex-related activity and from registering with the CFTC.

The order, entered on June 12, 2012, by Senior Judge Royal Furgeson of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, stems from a CFTC complaint filed on October 25, 2011, that charged the defendants with fraudulent solicitation, misappropriation, and misrepresentation to pool participants and regulatory organizations in a multi-million dollar forex scheme (see CFTC press release 6127-11, October 25, 2011). The CFTC complaint also charged the defendants with concealing their fraud by issuing false account statements to pool participants regarding the profitability of their investments. Linda Harris, CDH Forex, and CDH Global also were charged with making false statements and submitting falsified bank and account trading statements to the National Futures Association (NFA).

The order finds Linda Harris, Chance Harris, CDH Forex, and CDH Global liable as to all violations alleged in the CFTC’s complaint.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


“The Good Doctors”
Keynote Address of Commissioner Bart Chilton to the Mutual Fund Directors Forum, 2012 Policy Conference, Washington, DC
June 19, 2012
Good evening and thanks for that kind introduction.  It’s great to be with you.  I'm always impressed with people like you who take the time and travel away from your businesses and families to visit Washington and make your case on issues. That's an important thing, and it doesn't matter on which side of issues you fall. It’s a privilege to have an opportunity to be with you for some of your time in D.C. Even after 26 years in this town, it is still intriguing to hear that magical word “policy.”  I hope this year’s policy conference goes well for you.

Regulatory Health
Let’s discuss some policy issues, but do it within the construct of financial market regulatory health.

Before I get to it, is there a doctor in the house? The older I get, the nicer it is to know if we are close to a doctor. Any medical doctors, PhDs, doctors of love, as Gene Simmons says, anyone? Okay, great.

The financial health of markets: aren’t these markets astonishing? Aren't you sometimes simply in awe—in awe—of what they do and how they do it. They are pulsing every day and all night around the world to the beat of 160 million transactions a day.  It’s incredible they work as well as they do.  At the same time, though, we all know that once-in-a-while, they need a doctor. There is often a shock associated with that awe. Maybe that’s because of a Flash Crash, a major bankruptcy, a massive trading loss or any number of other problems. And yes, when there’s talk about needing a doctor—or, in this context—needing a little regulatory check-up, some people’s blood pressure starts to rise.  Chill pills are for that stuff, dude. Let’s just review how not taking very good care of our financial markets got us to where we are today.

 Dr. Drew
We don’t need to guzzle ginkgo biloba beverages to recall 2008 and the collapse of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and AIG; the resulting dreadful bailout and the devastating effect on our own and a large part of the global economy.  Thinking about all of that raises a little financial PTSD for some people.
“Doctor my eyes,
Tell me was I wrong.
Was I unwise to leave them open for so long?”

Well, as hard as it is to think about 2008, there is that whole “learning from our experiences” or rather—mistakes—thing.

Who is familiar with CNN's Dr. Drew Pinsky, Dr. Drew—the former Love Line co-host?  If you’ve ever watched the show, he deals a lot with addictions—drug addictions, alcohol addictions, food addictions, sex addictions—you name it.  He is an impressive guy and he's helped a lot of people. One thing he always says is that the first step to recovery is admitting you have issues.

Well, in 2008 and the years leading up to it, we had issues. We had a problem, and we’re still in recovery today.  The point there is that we are recovering.  We are getting better, thank you very much. Congress recognized that we had a problem and passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act about two years ago right now.  That’s good, because we clearly needed something: therapy, recovery, whatever. As they often say in this town, "mistakes were made."

 Dr. Seuss
Once you’ve acknowledged the problem, therapists would suggest dissecting it to understand what went wrong. There were a couple of causes to the financial illness—the economic crisis—“Things,” if you will—that led to the system pretty much failing us.
 Thing One—shout out to good Dr. Seuss—were lax or non-existent laws and regulations that allowed the free markets to rock ‘n’ roll so much that they rolled right over our economies—and our citizens.

There is an old saying about how the best things in life are free. Well, the worst things in life are also sometimes free, like disease and famine and, yes, unbridled free markets with zero, zip, zilch oversight.  Of course, it wasn’t just the lax laws, rules and regulations.  Nope, Thing One just allowed for unprotected and risky behavior...and risky business.
Thing Two were the active agents:  the captains of Wall Street—that’s how the FCIC, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, described them. They wholly developed these very pioneering products, these innovative investments to be traded and re-traded.

Light markets, dark markets, big markets, small,
Green, red and black markets, they traded them all,
Burning up the fiber and fires on the phones,
And then what they did, was trade bundles of loans,
The markets were rising with new dough, don't you know,
And cheetah technology, that just never went slow,
The risk was so portable, so easy to move,
That sometimes they wondered, just whose risk they might lose Trading and trading is what kept them alive
And they did so, this trading, 24-7...365.
Thing One and Thing Two:  those harmless numskulls, what could go possibly go wrong?

 Dr. No
 Well, go wrong it did. We admitted and acknowledged we had a problem and received some treatment.  The problem, the condition if you will, today is: the recovery—the work—is not complete and there is temptation to do away with the very laws—the recovery program—we were admitted to in reaction to the 2008 financial crisis and the all-to-close-to collapse of national economies.  Let’s call that a near relapse.
There have been moves afoot in Congress to repeal some or all of Dodd-Frank, primarily by some of those who voted against it in the first place.  That's okay; they do and vote the best they see fit. Nobody is suggesting we all have to go about things the same way. Remember the James Bond antagonist, Dr. Julius No? Let’s call these folks Dr. Nos.  Many of this group voted no, or nay—on Dodd-Frank and on full funding for regulators.  The Dr. Nos would defund the precise market health professionals who were given the rather tough task of keeping an eye on Wall Street.  And, still others, including regulated entities themselves, like your group, are choosing to fight the new regulations in court. That’s fine. We are a litigious society. I'm not going to touch that one now. I'll leave that not to the doctors, but the lawyers.

The President requested, and the Senate Appropriations Committee passed, a CFTC funding level of $308 million. In the House, the Dr. Nos are proposing only $180 million. In Europe, they’d call that an “austerity measure.” But let’s call it what it is: a seriously substantial and severe budget reduction. Cutting our Agency’s oxygen off so that our nation can’t have market health professionals on the case or the technology we require to monitor those that we are supposed to be overseeing is not putting the financial health of the American people first.

Think about MF Global.  Think about JPMorgan.  Are these markets really any safer and healthier than they were when they did a code blue in 2008?  A little, I’d say.  However, we’re still in recovery mode for sure.  We still require a doctor.  And, it is still essential to pay for it.  There are some folks in this town and on Wall Street who wish Dr. Kevorkian was still around for us regulators. They are doing their best without him to administer a little euthanasia. The financial sector still has 10 lobbyists for every single member of Congress—more than any other sector. They are pretty effective at getting their way.

As regulators, we don't make the laws. If Dodd-Frank went away, I'd think it was a mammoth mistake, but the law is the law and we Commissioners swore an oath to uphold it. That is, however, what we are doing right now—upholding the law—the law. We owe it to taxpayers and consumers to insist that these markets remain healthy.

Dr. Phil
Most folks know TV's Dr. Phil.  He’s forever talking about setting limits, especially in relationships.  If somebody pushes your buttons: be it a parent, child, spouse, co-worker or friend, Dr. Phil will suggest setting some limits.  Don’t get sucked into their world or their drama.  Well, if limits are good enough for Dr. Phil, they’re good enough for me—especially when it seems like an appropriate prescription for a policy I have supported for many years.

 A fundamental part of Dodd-Frank, which only seems to gain public attention when gas prices are high, is speculative position limits.  (And yes, this is another one that’s being challenged in court).

As we all know, oil and gasoline prices were very high earlier this year. The highest prices were actually in the summer of 2008. The average national price of gasoline in July of that year was $4.10 a gallon. There was a lot of attention to the subject then, and there was earlier this year. Today, not so much, although limits are still an essential medication to reduce market manipulation.

Here’s why: numerous studies show a link between speculation and prices. Studies from the International Monetary Fund, the Federal Reserve, and numerous universities all show it.  There was a senior exchange official who a little more than a year ago said there wasn't any evidence that linked speculation to prices. There was even a former colleague of mine who kept saying there was no evidence. Wha wha what? It was amazing. Last year, I put 50 studies, papers and notable quotations from respected individuals on the CFTC web site. They are still there. I talk about them all the time, including right now. I can continue to explain this to people, but I can't comprehend it for them.
Why does a trader need so much concentration that they can push prices around?  I just don’t get it.

 Large concentrations in silver, gold, natural gas, crude oil and orange juice have existed in recent years. I've witnessed it, and at times, I've seen prices react.
In addition to the bankers' lawsuit which seeks to stop our position limits rule from being implemented, regulators have been derelict in not getting them in place sooner.  We keep hearing that imposition of limits is being held up because it's contingent upon our issuance of a swaps definition, and Dodd-Frank requires that we do that as a joint rulemaking with the SEC.  That's correct. Dr. Phil might ask, “How’s that workin’ out for ya?”  Well, I'd say, "Notsamuch, Doc."

I have respect for my regulatory colleagues, but I've gotta say, they’ve moved so slow that I think we need to check their pulse on this one.  Call me an impatient patient, but we have a responsibility to act here, and it's high time we do so to protect markets and consumers.
A man runs into the doctor’s office and says, “Doctor, you need to see me immediately, I think I’m shrinking!” The doctor says, “Calm down and take a seat. You will have to wait your turn and be a ‘little’ patient.” Well, we’ve been a little patient. We’ve been a lot patient.

Earlier this year, in March, I suggested we "consider" using a provision of Dodd-Frank that shifts unresolved jurisdictional disputes to the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) if an agreement can’t be found. We have been continually reassured we are going to consider this joint rule with the SEC "next month." We've been told that each month since my Agency approved limits. We were told it could happen last December and subsequently almost every month. I see no promise of movement from the SEC on this. We are two years into this new law, and position limits were supposed to be implemented after six months. The FSOC should resolve this.

Dr. Dolittle
Another policy issue I want to spend some time on is the issue of technology in trading.   I was going to call this section “Dr. Strangelove” since he was always fiddling around with technology—in his case nuclear weapons—or maybe “Dr. Leonard McCoy” from Star Trek. “Dammit Jim, I’m a doctor…” not a regulator.

There are a lot of people fiddling around with technology in financial markets today. But instead, I decided on Dr. Dolittle because I call these high frequency computer traders "cheetahs" due to their incredible speed as they travel through the market jungle.  They are out there all the time trying to scoop up micro-dollars in milliseconds. They are wicked smart and clever. I talked to the animals last week. By the way, they really are very agreeable and shrewd folks. I’m just jesting, of course. Nevertheless, I told them very clearly that they need to be regulated.

Here are the problematic symptoms that led to my, umm, diagnosis. The largest futures exchange in the World is in Chicago.  Their third largest trader by volume there has been a cheetah based in Prague.  Bully for the exchange, which has touted this firm in their magazine.

As an aside, I’ll note the curious case of the vanishing articles. The story about this Prague cheetah was in the fall of 2010 and it appeared in the exchange magazine. While you can find the issue on their web site, that article about the cheetah disappeared. I was alerted to this by two reporters who were fact-checking my stuff about the cheetah. When they asked the exchange about it, they were told that the story didn't exist. So, I looked into it. After some digging, I found it again. But, what the exchange did was took it off their web site. As it turns out, there is another story missing from that same edition: one about Jon Corzine, in which he talks about taking more risks as the, then, new head of MF Global. I have both stories. Folks have a right to keep whatever they want on their websites. I just think it is curiously peculiar that they'd pull those two stories—strange, but true.

So, bully for the exchange. Bully for the cheetah.  Bully for Prague. Hooray for Prague!
However, if we, the U.S. regulators, simply want to look at books and records, perhaps because we are concerned about trading activities on a U.S. exchange—it could happen—that cheetah in Prague is not required to provide us with anything. Nada.  Furthermore, we don’t even have the ability to command books and records information from domestic cheetahs.  Nada. These cats are not required to provide a thing to U.S. regulators, under the current set of circumstances, unless we get a judge to issue a subpoena.  It is simply loco.  Nada? informaciĆ³nnes de los catos es un problemo.

At the very least, the cheetahs need to be registered.  Yet, no place in the Dodd-Frank law are these traders even mentioned.  That is how quickly the markets are metastasizing.

I believe there is some value to the cheetahs. However, their awesomeness isn't too difficult to contemplate. I wrote about these traders in a Financial Times op-ed a long time ago (September of 2010).  In it, I suggested, “There is a good argument to be made that ‘parasitical trading’ does not truly contribute to fundamental market functions.”  I’m not trying to get rid of them—make the cheetahs an endangered species.  There's no opposition to new technology here.  The cheetahs do provide liquidity—albeit what I’ve dubbed as "fleeting liquidity."  If you want someone to hedge your commercial risk for 3-5 seconds, I know just the cats for the job.

I also believe that these cheetahs have a disproportionate influence on markets simply because of their speed.  Their trading volume isn’t traditionally large—although in overnight illiquid trading even smaller size trades can move markets. We’ve seen that many times—but their swiftness as traders can send signals to the market when they’re in pursuit of their prey.  That, in and of itself, is fairly new and presents troublesome issues.
Consequently, I’m suggesting that in addition to the cheetah registration requirement, we require testing of their programs before they are engaged in the market production environment. The programs should have kill switches in case they go feral. We need to require quarterly reports on their wash sales (and that they undertake efforts to stop those from occurring). And finally, cheetah executives, the head of their pride, must be accountable for such reports.

I expect the Agency to issue a concept release related to technology very soon. My colleague, Commissioner O'Malia, has done a lot of good work on these issues as the Chair of our Technology Advisory Committee. I’m hopeful, and expect (certainly if I am to support it), that as part of this concept release, these ideas will be included and we will receive some public comments to facilitate us moving forward.

Dr. Jekyll
A doctor says to her patient, “You have a split personality, a mental disorder—you’re crazy.” To which the patient says, “I want a second opinion.” The doctor says, “Okay, you’re ugly, too.”
Remember Dr. Jekyll from The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? It had to do with split personalities, within the same body.

Just like Dr. Jekyll, who had two personalities, we see that the banks themselves have a troublesome duplexity. This split personality was created when the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed in 1999. Currently, banks have two voices in their heads. They have an interest in their proprietary bottom line, and in their customers. When the two distinct personalities are opposed, just like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, it can get unpleasant. And, it has. Here's what we know: with the banks, we understand which personality supersedes. They do—the banks. The customers’ interests can become secondary.

Some would argue that the two can exist in the same body, but the evidence doesn't support that—not at all. We saw Goldman Sachs and Citibank both establish what I've termed "fake-out funds," like when a player fakes in a ball game. Only this isn't a game. It involves real money for the bank customers.

The two banks each established these funds, recommended them to their own customers, and then the banks took the opposite position. That's pretty sinister, right? A dreadful mixture of contrasting motives played out in a crooked fashion. The Goldman case was settled with the SEC for $550 million. The Citibank settlement with the SEC, for $285 million, was actually thrown out by U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff for being too lenient. He called it “a mild and modest cost of doing business.” Soon, he's expected to rule on the matter himself.

“Doctor, doctor, give me the news…” What’s the answer to…these policy blues? No pill is gonna kill this ill, it will take the… Volcker Rule.

Well, the Volker Rule is the law. If regulators are thoughtful and implement it appropriately, it will take the banks’ split personality, their troublesome duplexity, out of the equation. I believe we can, and will. Again, it is our responsibility to do so, under...the law.

Conclusion—Dr. Marcus Welby
Well listen, I should wrap this up.  I know you’ve got another big day tomorrow.  We will leave all of the rest of the doctors alone tonight. Doctor Who? Yeah, him, and the rest: our cowboy Docs Holliday and Scurlock, Docs Severinsen, Hollywood and Watson, Dr. Ruth and Sanjay Gupta, Doctor Frasier Crane and Dr. Laura, Doctors Dre, Evil, Feelgood and Demento. You can play at home. It’s fun for the whole family.
This will really date me, but Dr. Marcus Welby was played by actor Robert Young. He, Young the actor, used to do these television commercials that would start off with him saying something like: “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV.” Then, he'd endorse some health-related product, like aspirin. Well, I'm not a doctor. And, I DON'T play one on TV, but I sure have enjoyed speaking about the health of our financial markets and the ongoing need for preventative care by regulators to protect investors, hedgers and yes, most importantly consumers.

I’ve got to run to the ER. Thank you for the opportunity to be with you.  Nurse!

Friday, June 8, 2012


CFTC Orders Nevada Resident Luis Salazar-Correa and His Company, Prosperity Team, LLC, to Pay More than $2.6 Million to Settle CFTC Anti-fraud Forex Action
Washington, DC – The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today filed and simultaneously settled charges against Luis Salazar-Correa of Las Vegas, Nev., and his Nevada-based company, Prosperity Team, LLC, for fraudulently soliciting individuals to participate in a pooled investment vehicle, misappropriating customer funds, and issuing false statements to conceal trading losses and the fraud.

The CFTC order requires Salazar-Correa and Prosperity Team jointly and severally to pay a $1 million civil monetary penalty and restitution of $1,641,000. The order permanently prohibits Salazar-Correa and Prosperity Team from engaging in certain commodity-related activities, including trading, and from registering or seeking exemption from registration with the CFTC. The order also permanently prohibits the respondents from further violations of the Commodity Exchange Act, as charged.

The order finds that from about February 2009 through at least June 2010, Salazar-Correa and Prosperity Team fraudulently solicited and accepted at least $2,482,000 from at least 183 customers primarily for the purpose of trading leveraged or margined off-exchange foreign currency (forex) contracts through a pool investment vehicle, also known as Prosperity Team. In soliciting potential customers, Salazar-Correa falsely guaranteed monthly returns varying from 10 percent to 25 percent, depending on the amount invested, and misrepresented the risks of trading forex, the order finds.

Rather than achieving the claimed returns, the respondents consistently sustained trading losses, which cumulated in overall losses of approximately $1,566,000, and operated a Ponzi scheme by misappropriating customers’ funds to make payments to other customers, the order finds.

Salazar-Correa and Prosperity Team concealed the massive trading losses and their misappropriation of customer funds by issuing false statements, which were accessible to customers online through Prosperity Team’s website, the order finds.

The CFTC appreciates the assistance of the U.S. Attorney’s Office and Federal Bureau of Investigation in Las Vegas, Nev., the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, the International Financial Services Commission of Belize, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, and the U.K. Financial Services Authority.

CFTC Division of Enforcement staff members responsible for this case are Alison Wilson, Jonathan Huth, Heather Johnson, Brandon Tasco, Gretchen L. Lowe, and Vincent A. McGonag

Friday, May 4, 2012


CFTC Charges Utah Residents Christopher Hales, Eric Richardson and their Company, Bentley Equities, LLC, with Fraud and Misappropriation
CFTC seeks an emergency restraining order freezing defendants’ assets
Washington, DC – The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today announced the filing of a federal court action in Utah charging Bentley Equities, LLC (Bentley), a Delaware corporation, and its principals, Christopher D. Hales and Eric A. Richardson, with fraud and misappropriation in connection with commodity futures trading. Richardson resides in Cedar Hills, Utah, and Hales is currently an inmate at the Florence, Colo., Federal Correction Complex. None of the defendants has ever been registered with the CFTC.

The CFTC’s complaint, filed May 2, 2012, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah, alleges that from at least April 2009 through August 2010, the defendants fraudulently solicited and accepted more than $1.1 million from approximately 38 pool participants and clients to trade commodity futures in a commodity pool account and in individual managed accounts.

The CFTC seeks an emergency restraining order freezing the defendants’ assets and prohibiting the destruction or alteration of the defendants’ books and records.

Specifically, according to the CFTC’s complaint, Bentley, Hales, and Richardson misrepresented to customers that their trading was profitable, and that they actively managed more than $1 million in commodity futures accounts. In reality, the complaint charges, the defendants were not successful commodity futures traders and never managed more than $480,000 in commodity futures trading accounts at one time. In fact, the defendants lost approximately $1,296,600 of the Bentley participants’ and managed clients’ funds trading commodity futures contracts, according to the complaint.

The complaint further charges that the defendants misappropriated at least $628,000 of customer funds for personal use, including food, clothing, auto expenses, and utility and credit card payments. The defendants also allegedly used misappropriated funds to make payments to existing participants and clients, as is typical of a Ponzi scheme.

To conceal their trading losses and misappropriation, defendants allegedly issued false account statements to participants and clients by altering trading statements that they received from the futures commission merchant carrying the Bentley pool account. These doctored statements falsely showed inflated account balances and profitable commodity futures trading returns, when, in fact, the defendants’ futures trading for their participants and clients “consistently lost money,” according to the complaint.

In its continuing litigation, the CFTC seeks civil monetary penalties, restitution, disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, trading and registration bans, and preliminary and permanent injunctions against further violations of the federal commodities laws, as charged.

In November 2011, Hales was sentenced to more than seven years imprisonment and ordered to pay $12,719,236 in criminal restitution in connection with a judgment entered against him in a related criminal matter for the conduct alleged in the CFTC’s case, as well as mortgage fraud. United States v. Christopher D. Hales,No. 2:10-CR-183-TS-SA-1 (D. Utah, Sept. 2, 2010).

The CFTC appreciates the assistance of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Utah, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development —Office of Inspector General, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Friday, August 26, 2011


The following excerpt is from the CFTC website: “Washington, DC - The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today announced that on August 18, 2011 a federal court in California entered an order freezing the assets of defendants Douglas Elsworth Wilson of Poway, Calif., and three California companies that he controls and manages, Elsworth Berg Capital Management LLC (EBCM), Elsworth Berg Inc., and Elsworth Berg FX LLC (collectively, Elsworth Berg). The order also prohibits the destruction of their books and records. The order arises out of a CFTC civil complaint filed on July 27, 2011 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. The complaint alleges that the defendants solicited at least $4.4 million from over 60 customers to trade commodity futures contracts and foreign currency (forex). The defendants allegedly misappropriated customer funds, committed solicitation fraud, and issued false statements in the commodity futures and forex scheme. In connection with their fraud, defendants allegedly misrepresented to customers and prospective customers that regardless of Elsworth Berg’s commodity futures or forex trading results, the return of customers’ investment principal was guaranteed at the end of a five-year period through use of a purportedly innovative “Collateral Reserve” structure, which owned life insurance policies on third-parties. Wilson and EBCM also allegedly issued false statements to some customers that overstated the value of their investments. Wilson and EBCM misappropriated approximately $72,000 in customer funds and used the money for purposes other than trading, according to the complaint. In its continuing litigation against the defendants, the CFTC seeks restitution to defrauded customers, civil monetary penalties, permanent trading and registration bans, and permanent injunctions against further violations of federal commodities law."

Monday, August 15, 2011


The following is an excerpt from the CFTC website: "August 8, 2011 Washington, DC - The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) obtained a federal court default judgment order requiring Otmane El Rhazi to pay over $1.49 million in restitution and a civil monetary penalty for unlawful trading, misappropriation, and fraud. El Rhazi is a Moroccan national and a former futures and options trader and Vice President for Citigroup Global Markets Limited in the U.K. The order, entered on July 29, 2011 by Judge Denise Cote of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, requires El Rhazi to pay $373,860 in restitution and a $1,121,580 civil monetary penalty. The order also imposes permanent trading and registration bans against El Rhazi. The order stems from a CFTC complaint filed on April 15, 2011 (see CFTC Press Release 6025-11, April 18, 2011). The CFTC complaint charged El Rhazi with noncompetitive trading, fraud, and misappropriation from a Citibank, N.A. proprietary account for which he exercised trading authority as an employee of Citigroup Global Markets Limited. The court’s order finds that El Rhazi engaged in numerous noncompetitive and fictitious futures trades in order to steal money from a Citibank, N.A. proprietary account and pass the money to his personal account. Starting on November 23, 2010, El Rhazi engaged in a series of noncompetitive palladium and platinum futures transactions executed on the New York Mercantile Exchange’s Globex trading platform “in order to steal money from the Citi Account and pass the money to his own Personal Account,” according to the order. The effect of the transactions was that there was no net change in the open positions of either El Rhazi’s account or the Citibank, N.A. proprietary account. The order finds that as a result of the transactions, El Rhazi’s Personal Account profited and the Citibank, N.A. account cumulatively lost $373,860. The CFTC thanks the U.K. Financial Services Authority and the National Futures Association for their assistance.”